Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ways to go green at work

Here are the few things that you can practice to add to your green habits

  • Unplug and shut down. Remember to turn out lights and turn off equipment when leaving. If you can, unplug as well. Up to 75 percent of the electricity used to power office equipment is consumed while the product is turned off but still plugged in. 
  • Walk, bike, carpool or bus it. With oil prices at near-all-time highs, this not only will help the environment but save you money as well. 
  • Use re-usable drink containers instead of plastic water bottles or foam cups. And having a drink container at your desk will remind you to drink eight glasses of water a day. 
  • Save paper. Email, text and store data on CDs, flash drives and zip drives.
  • Print just one copy of memos and circulate them rather than printing off a separate copy for everyone. Use whiteboards, overhead projectors, laptops or iPads to display meeting agendas.  
  • Recycle. Use the back side of paper for taking notes. Shred paper that can't be used anymore and use if for packing material. Reuse file folders.  
  • Pack your lunch and snacks in reusable containers. Avoid individually wrapped snacks, plastic baggies and paper sacks as much as possible. Bring and store plates, cups and utensils in the break room. If you eat out, walk to the restaurant. You'll get some exercise plus fresh air!

There are a lot more than these listed out here.
You already know the purpose and can definitely find news ways to achieve the greener goal. 

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