Petrol has got very few alternative. Only thing that can help is
"Wise use"
Follwoing are few of the known alternatives
Hydrogen is considered as the ideal fuel, because it can be produced from water using green electricity and, when burned, it only produces water. For example, in Iceland it is widely used to power fishing boats, and it can power farm equipment. However......, there are lot many concerns also. Mixing hydrogen and air can result in explosions, and hydrogen can make materials it comes in contact with very brittle, meaning storing it in fuel tanks is less than ideal.
Bio-fuels can be loosely described as a number of liquids that are seen as viable alternatives to petrol. These include first generation biofuels, which are alcohols such as bioethanol and oils such as biodiesel. These biofuels are made from sugar, starch, palm nut oil and oilseed rape, among other substances. However, these may not be that beneficial to use in commercial vehicles.
Propane and Butane
Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) is a mixture of propane and butane and is seen as a clean fuel that produces less carbon monoxide than petrol. For example - in London, cars that run on LPG are exempt from the Congestion Charge that applies to cars and vehicles that run on traditional fuels. It is estimated that worldwide there are 10 million vehicles running on LPG, and farm equipment could also be run on this form of fuel.
Back to history, during the gas shortages of the 1970s, electric vehicles such as the CitiCar enjoyed some popularity. However, as gas prices fell, so did interest.In the recent years when oil prices are rising beyond limits, there is a renewed interest in electric vehicles.
Methane is a natural gas that is extracted from the earth in the same way oil is, making it essentially a fossil fuel. If your farm equipment has large fuel tanks, methane could in theory be used. Methane as a compressed gas can power vehicles and equipment, although there are concerns of its suitability when compared to other options as it is not as efficient as other petrol alternatives.
Hence, we see a very few possible alternatives to petrol. In order to keep utilizing such valuable resource for longer, we'll have to take care of it.
Use it wisely !!