Help Sea !

Life on Earth originated in the oceans, and a staggering 80 percent of all the life on Earth still lies hidden beneath the ocean waves. In other words, four out of every five living things are under water.

But the oceans do more. They keep the Earth's temperatures stable by absorbing the sun’s heat, and the always-moving ocean currents distribute this heat energy around the globe. This heats the land and air during winter and cools it during summer.

What’s The Problem!

The oceans are beautiful, dark and deep. But the good news ends there.

Human pressure on the oceans has taken many forms over the past century… industrial fishing, bycatch, global warming, pollution, and destructive coastal development.

Six million tons of trash enters the world's oceans every year. 90 percent of all this trash is plastic. An estimated 46,000 pieces of plastic are floating on every square mile of ocean. And since plastic does not biodegrade, when it meets water it remains there for centuries.

Meanwhile, more than 260 marine species get entangled in, swallow, or choke on fishing line, nets, rope and other floating trash. These include 100,000 marine mammals (like dolphins, whales and seals), over 1 million seabirds, and 86 percent of all turtles in the sea.

The result? Marine species are being driven towards extinction – over 70% of the world’s fish stocks are already depleted – and ocean habitats are being destroyed faster than ever before in history.

What is that we can Do !!

What would defending our oceans look like?

To begin with, if you eat fish, try to rely on other foods for protein. Plenty of legumes and pulses are good sources for protein, and they’re cheaper to grow than killing fish. And every time you use something that’s not biodegradable, remember that eventually, sooner or later, it’ll all end up in the sea.

Again, it all comes down to consumption. The less stuff you buy, the less stuff ends up polluting our aquifers, waterways and oceans.

But the responsibility is not yours alone. Governments across the world, starting with our own, must set aside 40 percent of the oceans as marine reserves – areas just like national parks, in which the exploitation of all living resources is prevented, allowing these areas to recover.
