Fuel Saving Tips

Make A Note Of These

Following are few of the tips that can help you save fuel.

1.    Keep your tires properly inflated and check tire pressure once a month.  If your tires are flat, inflating them will reduce drag and improve efficiency. 

2.  Check your air filter        A dirty air filter restricts the flow of air into the engine, which harms performance and economy. Air filters are easy to check and change; remove the filter and hold it up to the sun. If you can't see light coming through it, you need a new one.

3.   Fuel up in the morning when temperatures are low.   Fuel expands during the day as temperatures rise.  Particularly in summer months, you can literally get more for your money if you visit the fuel station early in the day.

4.  Park in the shade to reduce your need for air conditioning  A/C sucks up a lot of energy.  Be smart and don’t make your vehicle work harder than it needs to.  You can also consider purchasing one of the windshield shades to keep temps lower inside.

 5.   Accelerate with care

If you drive an automatic, accelerate moderately so the transmission can shift up into the higher gears. Stick-shifters should shift early to keep the revs down, but don't lug the engine -- downshift if you need to accelerate. Keep an eye well down the road for potential slowdowns. If you accelerate to speed then have to brake right away, that's wasted fuel.

6.  Switch Off Engine on traffic signals

Dont try to accelerate between two red lights. Did you know while you are sitting at a red light, you are getting 0 kmpl? If you see the red light from a distance dont rush to it, ease off the accelerator and coast up to lights. You can save lot of fuel by doing this since there are lot of red lights inside the city limits.

7.   Get back to nature

Consider shutting off the air conditioner, opening the windows and enjoying the breeze. It may be a tad warmer, but at lower speeds you'll save fuel.
8.    Drive the speed limit.  The faster you go, the more fuel you use.  If you are travelling out of town try to maintain the speed at bikes 55 to 70 Kmph and 70 to 85 kmph for cars as long as possible. Maintaining constant optimum speed increase the mileage of your vehicle.

9.   Don't have your vehicle running in idle for more than 30 second.

10.   Regularly change your oil.  At least once a month, check the oil level of your engine.  Every 3,000 miles or 3 months (which ever comes first) have your oil changed.  Your engine will thank you for not having to work so hard.  Your wallet will thank you for the extra bucks over time.

11.    Tune up and maintain car as recommended by the manufacturer.  Just as regular oil changes will keep your engine running more smoothly, taking care of your car will help it last longer and go farther on less fuel.

12.    Remove excess weight from the cargo or storage area. More weight means less efficiency.  Lighten up your vehicle and you’ll be spending less at the pump.

Carpooling is an easy way to save fuel

13.    Carpool. Why not take the neighbors along too?  Does your spouse work downtown like you?  Hitch a ride together and enjoy some time together that would otherwise be lost to the commute.  It doesn’t take long for 10 miles here, or 20 miles there to add up over a week’s time.

14.    Plan your trips ahead of time.  Sketch out a route for your errands, combine them all at the same time if possible, and look for the most direct ways to get there.  Stop driving back and forth all over town.  I’ll bet that you can cut off 10 miles driving distance each day!

15.  Shop online.  The Internet is a wonderful thing!  Stop your trips to the mall for holiday gifts or special occasions.  Finding free shipping offers can take your savings even further.  No need to hop in the car, if you plan ahead.  Trust me that shopping online is more efficient when it comes to comparing prices and discovering a broad range of options.

16.   Walk or bike as often as possible.  Have a quick, short trip to make?  Combine it with exercise.  Hop on your bicycle, or even better, take the dog for a walk to run your errand instead.  If its less than a mile, you should definitely reconsider driving!

17.  Consider an electric scooter or motorcycle.  If you don’t need to drive children around, it is much cheaper and more environmentally-friendly to commute or run errands on a scooter or motorcycle.  Plus, they help you stay younger.  Or, you can at least look that way!

There are many ways to save fuel –switch to anyone of them
 and Go-Green !!