Monday, March 8, 2010


The Objective of this blog is to create awareness among the
mankind regarding the Alarming situation that we all are about to face.

This Initiative has been taken just to promotes the very best character traits in children and adults: caring for yourself and caring for others. By means of simple, responsible behavior shifts, together we can protect our environment i.e ultimately ourselves.

Why Green ?
The planet Earth has limited natural resources - some of which are already about to extinct. So as population growth greatly strains our finite resources, there are fewer resources available. By the year 2040, the world's supply of oil will be in steep decline.Likely, previously peaceful nations will become more malevolent with dwindling and more expensive sources of fuel energy. A lack of petroleum could destabilize world-wide relations . Also, large oil reliant suppliers of goods such as plastics, heating oil, kerosene, and construction material would be at a loss for the necessary raw materials. Petroleum reliant power plants would be out of production, and the transportation industry would have no fuel for its vehicles.

The consumption of another hundred billion barrels of petroleum would still cause harm to the environment in the form of Carbon Dioxide emissions into the environment. The best answer to solving supply problems as well as the harm to the environment is to look toward energy conservation, such as more efficient engines in cars, more aerodynamic vehicle designs, carpooling, and other strategies for saving fuel.
Things we throw away everyday are the cause of the greatest threats to future resources . Household batteries and electronics often contain dangerous chemicals that may, if sent to a local landfill, leak through the bottom barrier and pollute the groundwater. This can contaminate everything from the soil in which our food grows, to the water which will eventually come out of aquifers and into our tap water. Many of these chemicals cannot be removed from the drinking water supply, nor from the crops that are harvested from contaminated fields. The risks to human health are tremendous.

Throwing away items that could be recycled diminishes energy, water and natural resources that could be saved by recycling.

Saving the Planet & It's Environment needs:
Protecting the Natural Resources that are hard (nearly impossible) to Re-Create .
Making Efforts to Restore the Damage already done.
Change in Current Life-Style that is responsible for the miseries.

The real key to Go Green 

Alternative sources of fuel are not going to rescue us. No amount or combination of alternative fuels is going to allow us to continue running the way we're running it.

The key to solving our energy problems isn't finding some alternative source of energy. The key is to simply use less energy. That's because:

Using less energy will actually work, you can start right now , and it will make a big impact.
Stop being wasteful, stop finding alternate ways to continue a wasteful way of living.
Alternative energy can't supply as much energy as coal and oil.

If we intend to leave our children and grandchildren with the same standard of living we have enjoyed, we must preserve the foundation of that standard of living.

We save for college educations, social events, and weddings, but what about saving clean air, water, fuel sources and soil for future generations?

Save our Natural Resources and Let the Mother Planet remain Green forever.

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