Thursday, March 18, 2010

Have You Ever Thought That !

Do u know the actual price that is being paid in order to fulfill your day to day requirements?

Is paying the money for the service that you get enough? Specially when you know that someone else is paying heavily for it !

Have you ever imagined that the luxury you are enjoying or want to enjoy can cost some living being to even loose its life?

Who pays the actual price?

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Once upon a time the earth used to be a home for all, but now we the humans have forced it to be only our home. 


We have either completely destroyed or altered the natural habitat of the many living beings of the planet. 

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Imagine if someone comes and
destroys your hose
just for FUN or to fulfill his needs, How will you Feel ?
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 Yes, Exactly the same feeling comes to those whose place of dwelling is destroyed by us. 
 We all know that already a lot of damage is done and it has caused a lot of species to already extinct.
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If we continue at this pace the day 
is not far when we will find ourselves lonely and repenting for what 
we have done.

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 We also know that if we disturb the ecosystem, ultimately it will make us pay for it and the price for that would be no less than our lives! No one can survive if the nature itself turns against and all this would be the result of negligence towards our own environment, our own habitat, our own planet.

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Believe me, Not everytime but Most of the time you are indirectly damaging someone else’s world.

So what should we do to stop all that happen?

We need to understand our responsibilities and try to minimize the damage that could be the result of our luxury hungry lifestyle. Thats it ! 

  • First of all try to save. Reduce your requirements and then
  • Try to reuse whatever is available without blindly going for new.
  • Finally try to Recycle whatever is worth recycling.
At the time of purchase make sure you buy Environment friendly articles and do consider how green they actually are ?.


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We need to understand that it is not we only who have got all rights to live and prosper. We have got no rights to snatch whatever we want from either nature or other living beings and fulfill our needs which continue to grow endlessly.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Something pleasant to eyes

We all love to have a walk through a Garden or a Park full of greenery. Can we have all that pleasing things around us all the time?

Of course, we can have a very similar environment even at our house and our working place.
All we need to do is Just go for some home plants and place them around you the way you like.Along with being pleasing to the eye, they bring real health benefits to your body.

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House Plants do more than just brighten up a room with color and living energy. 

Growing and caring indoor plants gives a sense of pleasure, peace and tranquility. It brings us close to mother nature in a desperate attempt to escape the chaos that we are dealing with daily, but not only do plants calm our souls, they also bring us good health.

Indoor Plants Help Clean the Air.
Houseplants are able to remove up to 80 percent of air toxins in 24 hours.
Plants can remove a variety of toxic air emissions including benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, ammonia, xylene and trichloroethytene.

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Plants Make You Happy
House plants make people feel calmer and more optimistic

(studies have shown that hospital patients who face a window with a garden view recovered more quickly than those who had to look at a wall).

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Plants Fight Fatigue and Colds

Indoor plants can reduce fatigue, coughs, sore throats and other cold-related illnesses by more than 30 percent (by increasing humidity levels and decreasing dust).

Improve Your Quality of Life.

Even 2 or 3 minutes in the company of plants and trees can be enough to provide measurable stress relief!

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Plants Help to Reduce Noise
Although plants do not completely reduce noise at high levels, they do absorb a percentage of it.

 Plants at the Office

Even major corporations and work environments are beginning to catch
on that adding plants indoors do boost employee’s health and morale.

Think About It !
Have Some Indoor Plants for Your House Also !

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Real Avatar !

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We Should Be Greatefull To The Nature !

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Did You Knew all these facts about the Ocean? May be few of them or may be all. Its all of these facilities that we are getting for Free. Why shouldn't we be Greatefull to the Nature of such Valuable Gift !

Let It Be That Beautiful Forever... 

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If You really want it to remain that way, Do whatever you can ( you should actually )
to preserve it ! You already know who is and why is he destroying it !

Monday, March 8, 2010


The Objective of this blog is to create awareness among the
mankind regarding the Alarming situation that we all are about to face.

This Initiative has been taken just to promotes the very best character traits in children and adults: caring for yourself and caring for others. By means of simple, responsible behavior shifts, together we can protect our environment i.e ultimately ourselves.

Why Green ?
The planet Earth has limited natural resources - some of which are already about to extinct. So as population growth greatly strains our finite resources, there are fewer resources available. By the year 2040, the world's supply of oil will be in steep decline.Likely, previously peaceful nations will become more malevolent with dwindling and more expensive sources of fuel energy. A lack of petroleum could destabilize world-wide relations . Also, large oil reliant suppliers of goods such as plastics, heating oil, kerosene, and construction material would be at a loss for the necessary raw materials. Petroleum reliant power plants would be out of production, and the transportation industry would have no fuel for its vehicles.

The consumption of another hundred billion barrels of petroleum would still cause harm to the environment in the form of Carbon Dioxide emissions into the environment. The best answer to solving supply problems as well as the harm to the environment is to look toward energy conservation, such as more efficient engines in cars, more aerodynamic vehicle designs, carpooling, and other strategies for saving fuel.
Things we throw away everyday are the cause of the greatest threats to future resources . Household batteries and electronics often contain dangerous chemicals that may, if sent to a local landfill, leak through the bottom barrier and pollute the groundwater. This can contaminate everything from the soil in which our food grows, to the water which will eventually come out of aquifers and into our tap water. Many of these chemicals cannot be removed from the drinking water supply, nor from the crops that are harvested from contaminated fields. The risks to human health are tremendous.

Throwing away items that could be recycled diminishes energy, water and natural resources that could be saved by recycling.

Saving the Planet & It's Environment needs:
Protecting the Natural Resources that are hard (nearly impossible) to Re-Create .
Making Efforts to Restore the Damage already done.
Change in Current Life-Style that is responsible for the miseries.

The real key to Go Green 

Alternative sources of fuel are not going to rescue us. No amount or combination of alternative fuels is going to allow us to continue running the way we're running it.

The key to solving our energy problems isn't finding some alternative source of energy. The key is to simply use less energy. That's because:

Using less energy will actually work, you can start right now , and it will make a big impact.
Stop being wasteful, stop finding alternate ways to continue a wasteful way of living.
Alternative energy can't supply as much energy as coal and oil.

If we intend to leave our children and grandchildren with the same standard of living we have enjoyed, we must preserve the foundation of that standard of living.

We save for college educations, social events, and weddings, but what about saving clean air, water, fuel sources and soil for future generations?

Save our Natural Resources and Let the Mother Planet remain Green forever.

Your Role

How can you contribute?

The very basic and the best and only thing you have to do is - cut down your energy requirements.

It is all about Reducing , Reusing and Recycling.

First of all try to
  1. Reduce
   All it means is lessening the amount of items or resources that are consumed, using only the amount that is needed, and looking for alternatives that will lessen our use.We all can do that can't we?  
    Don't take things "For Granted". Be responsible. Everything that you are using is made of something ( almost everything ) that comes from Nature. You are consuming the Natural Resources every now and then. The explosive growth in population had led to scarcity of these valuable Resources. In order to survive long, we have to use these Natural Resources with care.

  2.   Reusing

It is known to all that we are Running out of Resources. In addition to cutting down our energy needs we can
lower the burden and strain on these Resources by Reusing.
It basically means extending the 'life' or repurposing an item rather than discarding or throwing it away.
Reusing items helps:
  • keep items out of the waste stream.
  • Minimizes the need for raw materials and packaging
  • Saves Energy from manufacturing the same item again (and another item also).
  • Reduces the strain on valuable resources, such as fuel, wood and water, and helps safeguard the environment
  • Produces less air & water pollution than making a new item or recycling.
  • Reuse creates affordable and attractive item ( boosts creativity also).
 3.  Recycle

Recycling is the processes of collecting, processing, remanufacturing, and reusing materials instead of discarding them.

This helps:
  • Saves Valuable Natural Resources - By making products from recycled materials instead of new materials, we conserve land & minimize the need to drill for oil & dig for minerals.
  • Saves Clean Air & Water - In most cases, making products from recycled materials creates less air pollution and water pollution than making products from virgin materials.
  • Saves Energy - It usually takes less energy to make recycled products; recycled aluminum, for example, takes 95% less energy than new aluminum from bauxite ore.
  • Saves Landfills - When the materials that you recycle go into new products, they don't go into landfills or incinerators, so u conserve landfill space.
  • Saves Money & Helps Creating Jobs - The recycling process creates far more jobs than landfills or incinerators, and recycling can frequently be the least expensive waste management method for cities and towns.

Anything, big or small, that you do to help the environment can be considered green.

It doesn't matter if you choose to start off something  big or small...just start going green today and right now. You'll save yourself some money and at the same time will help out the planet also.