Thursday, March 18, 2010

Have You Ever Thought That !

Do u know the actual price that is being paid in order to fulfill your day to day requirements?

Is paying the money for the service that you get enough? Specially when you know that someone else is paying heavily for it !

Have you ever imagined that the luxury you are enjoying or want to enjoy can cost some living being to even loose its life?

Who pays the actual price?

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Once upon a time the earth used to be a home for all, but now we the humans have forced it to be only our home. 


We have either completely destroyed or altered the natural habitat of the many living beings of the planet. 

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Imagine if someone comes and
destroys your hose
just for FUN or to fulfill his needs, How will you Feel ?
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 Yes, Exactly the same feeling comes to those whose place of dwelling is destroyed by us. 
 We all know that already a lot of damage is done and it has caused a lot of species to already extinct.
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If we continue at this pace the day 
is not far when we will find ourselves lonely and repenting for what 
we have done.

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 We also know that if we disturb the ecosystem, ultimately it will make us pay for it and the price for that would be no less than our lives! No one can survive if the nature itself turns against and all this would be the result of negligence towards our own environment, our own habitat, our own planet.

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Believe me, Not everytime but Most of the time you are indirectly damaging someone else’s world.

So what should we do to stop all that happen?

We need to understand our responsibilities and try to minimize the damage that could be the result of our luxury hungry lifestyle. Thats it ! 

  • First of all try to save. Reduce your requirements and then
  • Try to reuse whatever is available without blindly going for new.
  • Finally try to Recycle whatever is worth recycling.
At the time of purchase make sure you buy Environment friendly articles and do consider how green they actually are ?.


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We need to understand that it is not we only who have got all rights to live and prosper. We have got no rights to snatch whatever we want from either nature or other living beings and fulfill our needs which continue to grow endlessly.


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