Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

First Floating Wind Turbine in Atlantic Ocean

An inspiring step forward in offshore wind energy technology

A Seattle-based company named Principle Power has deployed it's first floating offshore wind turbine off the coast of Portugal, the first time a floating turbine has been installed in the Atlantic Ocean.
Renewable Energy World reports the 2 MW turbine was assembled on land and then towed 217 miles into open water.

 For more on this, visit -

Image Source: 

Car vs Bike

This neat demonstration clearly show the difference between the parking space occupied by a car and a bike.

It's an ironic step with an important message associated with it. Cars cause pollution and congestion ( both on and off the road ). 


The bicycle stand shown ( practical implemented in some parts of east London ), occupies a space the size of one car and holds approximately 10 bicycles. This demonstration is clear enough to make you understand the difference.

For more on this, you can visit -


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Millions saved by Bicycling

"Biking instead of driving can save millions in health costs and thousands of lives"

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The Modern Life style that we all are living today is driving us away from physical activities and making us more and more machine dependent.We all prefer using vehicles for cummuting even the smallest of the distances to our offices /  neighbors. Looking at the positive side we are saving our precious time ( a few minutes though ) but on the other side we are loosing a much valuable asset..i.e our own physical health. Now both time & health are important to us, how to save both of them ? So, here's the solution - "Bicycle"

Ok, Compared to driving, bicycling is clearly better for the environment and your health. But how much better is it?

Studies offers following figures: If people in the upper Midwest (northern portion of the U.S.) chose to take half of their daily car trips by bicycle, health care costs would go down by approximately $7 billion. And, it will also lead to an estimated 1,100 fewer deaths each year.
Image source :

To an average, everyday common person -

 "switching from a car to a bike is an enormously healthy thing to do,And you not only get all those personal benefits, you improve air quality and reduce traffic on roads, and those are good ways of going green"
Image source :

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Inspiring Green Wonders

Bahrain World Trade Center 

Apart from the Architecture, the most impressive feature of this Center is the three massive wind turbines situated between the two towers comprising the main building. Each of these 80-foot turbines projects from a bridge between towers. The shape of the towers themselves channels and accelerates air moving between them which will help the building generate even more power.
Image source:
It is by far the largest wind-powered design incorporated into a massive building project till date.

Solar Tower, Seville

Well, it is Europe’s first commercial power station to harness the energy of the sun. How does it work? The sun’s rays are all directed at a single point of the tower and turn water at that point into steam.
The steam in turn moves through turbines and generates energy. A strange but very functional process. 
Image Source : 
  Lighthouse skyscraper ,Dubai

The Lighthouse skyscraper  is another innovative green skyscraper to be constructed in Dubai. For energy generation, it will have three enormous 225 kilowatt wind turbines (29 meters in diameter), and 4000 photovoltaic panels on the south facing façade. To optimize performance and operational periods, the turbines have windward directional wind vanes or limited yaw. 
Image source:

Monday, September 26, 2011

Carbon Credits

What is it ?
Carbon credits are a highly regulated medium of exchange used to 'offset', or neutralize, carbon dioxide emissions.

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A single carbon credit generally represents the right to emit one metric ton of carbon dioxide or the equivalent mass of another greenhouse gas.

Larger companies, governments and other entities may be required by law to purchase carbon credits in order to emit greenhouse gases. This in some sense sets a limit on the amount of pollution a company is allowed to emit within a period of time. If the company stays under the limit, it can sell the remainder of its carbon credits to other companies.

Relation with Carbon Emission

"If you emit more , you have to spend more on purchase of carbon-credits"

In the case of mandatory carbon credits, the goal of placing a value on carbon emissions is to induce carbon credit purchases to choose less carbon-intensive activities.

Reducing the amount of emission leads to saving the amount of carbon credits. Companies that emit less enjoy higher profits by selling their rights to produce carbon dioxide emissions (carbon-credits). The saved credits can be sold to others and in this way they serve the purpose (everybody will obviously like to reduce the emission so that he need not purchase the carbon-credits ) 
This way, emissions become just as integral a cost of doing business as materials.

Where does the money spent for purchase of carbon-credits goes ?

 In the voluntary market, carbon offsets are used to fund projects which absorb or eliminate an amount of carbon dioxide gas that is equal to the amount emitted.
When consumers purchase carbon credits from reputable carbon offset providers, the money is used for specified projects like planting forests, which absorb carbon naturally, or diverting methane gas for conversion into electricity at a power plant.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mobile Safety

The increased use of cell phones has brought about serious concerns regarding the probable health hazards. This is because mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range. 

Following Images show heat generated on the face by            
15 minutes of cell phone use due to their electromagnetic 

When radiation hits the head, it penetrates the skull. The pictures above are the result of an experiment show how radiation penetrates the skull of an adult (25%), 10 year old (50%) and a 5 year old (75%). The younger the child the deeper the penetration due to the fact their skulls are thinner and their brains contain more fluid than adults’. Radio frequencies travel through children’s brains much more easily and therefore increase the risk of cancer.

Radiation Penetration in the head of an adult, ten-year and five-year old

Tips For Use Of Mobile Phones

It is not only the choice of phone, but how you use it that is important when you want to control the amount of radiation you are exposed to. Here you will find a few simple tips that can considerably 
reduce radiation and therefore also health risks.

1. Use a handsfree set

The further away from your body the phone is, the less radiation you are exposed to. Using a hands-free set is the easiest way to radically reduce the amount of radiation you are exposed to if you use a mobile phone.

2. Hold it at the bottom

By covering large areas of the phone with your hand, you reduce its ability to send and receive signals. The phone then increases its power and transmits stronger radiation to compensate this. So hold the phone as far down as possible, so it can operate at low power. 

4. Get in the best position
You can see the signal reception strength in the display. When reception is good, the phone reduces power and radiation. If reception is poor, the phone uses maximum power and radiation.

5. Don’t talk too long and Use regular phone if possible 
The radiation you are exposed to is directly related to the time you spend talking on your phone For longer calls it is safer “and cheaper” to call from a regular phone.

6. Hazardous areas of use

  • Don’t use a mobile phone while driving a car. Stop at a safe place and talk.
  • Don’t use your mobile phone in places where there is a lot of electrical equipment, such as hospitals and aircraft.
  • Don’t bathe with your mobile phone.
  • Don’t let small children talk on your mobile phone for long periods. They are more susceptible t than adults.

The Federal Communications Commission sets specific absorption rate “SAR” standard ( Specific Absorption Rate )  which is acceptable power radiation for cell phones must not exceed 1.6 W/KG The lower the SAR the better the phone, from a potential health hazard.

There are three way to know the SAR
1. From the user manual of your mobile phone.
2. Visit mobile manufacturers forum web site and select your mobile phone model
3 .Enter Federal Communications Commission website and Write your mobile FCC ID Number in the 

. . 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fuel Saving Tips

Make A Note Of These

Following are few of the tips that can help you save fuel.

1.    Keep your tires properly inflated and check tire pressure once a month.  If your tires are flat, inflating them will reduce drag and improve efficiency. 

2.  Check your air filter        A dirty air filter restricts the flow of air into the engine, which harms performance and economy. Air filters are easy to check and change; remove the filter and hold it up to the sun. If you can't see light coming through it, you need a new one.

3.   Fuel up in the morning when temperatures are low.   Fuel expands during the day as temperatures rise.  Particularly in summer months, you can literally get more for your money if you visit the fuel station early in the day.

4.  Park in the shade to reduce your need for air conditioning  A/C sucks up a lot of energy.  Be smart and don’t make your vehicle work harder than it needs to.  You can also consider purchasing one of the windshield shades to keep temps lower inside.

 5.   Accelerate with care

If you drive an automatic, accelerate moderately so the transmission can shift up into the higher gears. Stick-shifters should shift early to keep the revs down, but don't lug the engine -- downshift if you need to accelerate. Keep an eye well down the road for potential slowdowns. If you accelerate to speed then have to brake right away, that's wasted fuel.

6.  Switch Off Engine on traffic signals

Dont try to accelerate between two red lights. Did you know while you are sitting at a red light, you are getting 0 kmpl? If you see the red light from a distance dont rush to it, ease off the accelerator and coast up to lights. You can save lot of fuel by doing this since there are lot of red lights inside the city limits.

7.   Get back to nature

Consider shutting off the air conditioner, opening the windows and enjoying the breeze. It may be a tad warmer, but at lower speeds you'll save fuel.
8.    Drive the speed limit.  The faster you go, the more fuel you use.  If you are travelling out of town try to maintain the speed at bikes 55 to 70 Kmph and 70 to 85 kmph for cars as long as possible. Maintaining constant optimum speed increase the mileage of your vehicle.

9.   Don't have your vehicle running in idle for more than 30 second.

10.   Regularly change your oil.  At least once a month, check the oil level of your engine.  Every 3,000 miles or 3 months (which ever comes first) have your oil changed.  Your engine will thank you for not having to work so hard.  Your wallet will thank you for the extra bucks over time.

11.    Tune up and maintain car as recommended by the manufacturer.  Just as regular oil changes will keep your engine running more smoothly, taking care of your car will help it last longer and go farther on less fuel.

12.    Remove excess weight from the cargo or storage area. More weight means less efficiency.  Lighten up your vehicle and you’ll be spending less at the pump.

Carpooling is an easy way to save fuel

13.    Carpool. Why not take the neighbors along too?  Does your spouse work downtown like you?  Hitch a ride together and enjoy some time together that would otherwise be lost to the commute.  It doesn’t take long for 10 miles here, or 20 miles there to add up over a week’s time.

14.    Plan your trips ahead of time.  Sketch out a route for your errands, combine them all at the same time if possible, and look for the most direct ways to get there.  Stop driving back and forth all over town.  I’ll bet that you can cut off 10 miles driving distance each day!

15.  Shop online.  The Internet is a wonderful thing!  Stop your trips to the mall for holiday gifts or special occasions.  Finding free shipping offers can take your savings even further.  No need to hop in the car, if you plan ahead.  Trust me that shopping online is more efficient when it comes to comparing prices and discovering a broad range of options.

16.   Walk or bike as often as possible.  Have a quick, short trip to make?  Combine it with exercise.  Hop on your bicycle, or even better, take the dog for a walk to run your errand instead.  If its less than a mile, you should definitely reconsider driving!

17.  Consider an electric scooter or motorcycle.  If you don’t need to drive children around, it is much cheaper and more environmentally-friendly to commute or run errands on a scooter or motorcycle.  Plus, they help you stay younger.  Or, you can at least look that way!

There are many ways to save fuel –switch to anyone of them
 and Go-Green !!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ways to go green at work

Here are the few things that you can practice to add to your green habits

  • Unplug and shut down. Remember to turn out lights and turn off equipment when leaving. If you can, unplug as well. Up to 75 percent of the electricity used to power office equipment is consumed while the product is turned off but still plugged in. 
  • Walk, bike, carpool or bus it. With oil prices at near-all-time highs, this not only will help the environment but save you money as well. 
  • Use re-usable drink containers instead of plastic water bottles or foam cups. And having a drink container at your desk will remind you to drink eight glasses of water a day. 
  • Save paper. Email, text and store data on CDs, flash drives and zip drives.
  • Print just one copy of memos and circulate them rather than printing off a separate copy for everyone. Use whiteboards, overhead projectors, laptops or iPads to display meeting agendas.  
  • Recycle. Use the back side of paper for taking notes. Shred paper that can't be used anymore and use if for packing material. Reuse file folders.  
  • Pack your lunch and snacks in reusable containers. Avoid individually wrapped snacks, plastic baggies and paper sacks as much as possible. Bring and store plates, cups and utensils in the break room. If you eat out, walk to the restaurant. You'll get some exercise plus fresh air!

There are a lot more than these listed out here.
You already know the purpose and can definitely find news ways to achieve the greener goal. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

How long will the world's oil last?

" We really are close enough to the edge to have no excess capacity. Demand growth shows no sign of slowing and now it seems to be accelerating "

No one is knowing exactly how much oil is left. Some say that the current oil bed will not last longer than 50-60 years from now while according to others we even don't have that much time.  The rate at which the demand has increased has raised lots of concerns. The current rate of increase in demand cannot be met by developing the existing oil beds and we all are aware that exploring new oil beds is not a matter of days. What will happen then ?

Its really difficult to even imagine. Withing few seconds we see ourselves going back to primitive ages.

So now the problem is clear, we should now think of the solution to this.
Alternatives  are surely giving some hopes but they have their own limitations.One thing is clear from all the researches done till date that No alternative can match the capabilities of oil.

Image source ""

Scientists and Researchers are doing their jobs. They are already working hard in finding out some efficient alternative to oil.

Common People can also add to their work by giving them more time.
We are sure that oil is going to exhaust some day, at least we can help making this day appear as late as possible.

Do whatever best you can do to contribute to this.

Imagine the world without oil

Use it judiciously & help the world going

Monday, March 21, 2011

Can Teens Help Going Green ?

This is what most of us believe

"Teens have so much stress in their lives, between school, their families and their friends. Why do we want them to be concerned about the environment, too?"

we all think that life is too busy to worry about such things, but wait a bit..
just sit back and think a bit. Do we really don't have that much time or we are taking thing for granted ?

Time has proved that sometimes "small changes can make a big differences"
a slight change in you view point can lead to major changes.

No one is too busy to care about our future, especially when there are simple ways to make a difference. After all, today’s teens are inheriting the earth, we need to create change now.

What can teens do that can make a difference?

There are lot many things that today's teens understand very well. There are so many simple things teens can do to help. They can walk or ride a bike to school instead of driving, use reusable bottles and shopping bags, help their families recycle, switch to fluorescent light bulbs, use less energy by turning off devices at home, take a bath instead of a shower, plant trees, and most importantly, spread the word!

How can teens lead their families towards green future?

There are several little ways teens can contribute, and hopefully gain their parents support in the future. Teens can start recycling at home and offer to take care of the trash. The next time they notice a light bulb that needs to be changed, they can ask for replacement with a fluorescent one -- they last 10 times longer! Teens can also give eco-friendly gifts like reusable water bottles to promote a green lifestyle within their family. Once their parents see how easy it is to make green changes, they will support them and their cause.

What about at school? Usually many schools don’t have recycling programs. What’s a teen to do there?

Schools can teach them green living habits in addition to implementing recycling programs that make it easy for kids. We should encourage everyone to take the initiative to start a recycling program at any school that lacks one. Ask the administration if they can have recycling bins on campus, and start a group or club that can help. Just remember "A few small changes can make a huge difference."

Today you are seeing it as it is because..
"Some people kept it safe for you
It's time for you to keep it safe for someone else"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Every little bit is a step to help save the earth.

Following are few of the "little bits"
that can make "Huge Impacts".

  • Don't use bottled water - Instead of bottled water get a reusable container to carry water. Also you can get a filter to make your home tap taste more like bottled water. It is definitely more cost efficient. Also you save the environment from the waste created by these water bottles.

  • Switch To Fluorescent Bulbs - If every house in the United States changed all of the light bulbs in their house, that would be equivalent to taking one million cars off the streets.

  • Recycle Glass - If you do not recycle this, it will take a million years to decompose.

  • Use Matches instead of lighters - Lighters are usually considered disposable so they will most likely end up in land fills. You can use the cardboard matches which are much more eco-friendly because they are made of recycled material.
  • Pay your Bills Online - If every house in the World did this then we would save millions trees every year. You will be saving lots of traffic plus time plus gain lot many other comforts.

  • Get a reusable bag - You can't recycle plastic bags, instead get yourself a reusable bag so that you won't have to worry about carrying your necessities. Try using lesser plastic bags. We all know how harmful these bags are.

  • Plant a Tree - It's good for the air, can keep you cool, and can increase your property value. At least plant one tree pointing to which you can later on proudly say "..that's the tree that i planted some year back.."

  • Buy Local Produce - Consider how much energy it takes for produce from china or any other country to come here. If you have the option to buy local, do it. Also this give employement to local people.

  • Walk or Ride Your Bike When you can - If you have to go somewhere close consider riding your bike or walking there instead of your car. It's better on the environment and healthier.