Sunday, November 6, 2011

Millions saved by Bicycling

"Biking instead of driving can save millions in health costs and thousands of lives"

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The Modern Life style that we all are living today is driving us away from physical activities and making us more and more machine dependent.We all prefer using vehicles for cummuting even the smallest of the distances to our offices /  neighbors. Looking at the positive side we are saving our precious time ( a few minutes though ) but on the other side we are loosing a much valuable asset..i.e our own physical health. Now both time & health are important to us, how to save both of them ? So, here's the solution - "Bicycle"

Ok, Compared to driving, bicycling is clearly better for the environment and your health. But how much better is it?

Studies offers following figures: If people in the upper Midwest (northern portion of the U.S.) chose to take half of their daily car trips by bicycle, health care costs would go down by approximately $7 billion. And, it will also lead to an estimated 1,100 fewer deaths each year.
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To an average, everyday common person -

 "switching from a car to a bike is an enormously healthy thing to do,And you not only get all those personal benefits, you improve air quality and reduce traffic on roads, and those are good ways of going green"
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